
How to collaborate in a crisis.
Concepts & creative
How to collaborate in a crisis.
12 May 2020 4 minutes
How to collaborate in a crisis. Let’s kick off with an ancient Chinese proverb… ‘When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills’ In our last article we discussed why marketing innovation is more important than ever during the Covid-19 crisis. Now it’s time for us to turn thoughts into action and learn how to build windmills together! Marketing innovation is a collaborative exercise. To empathise, define a problem and design a solution it’...
Why marketing innovation is important right now.
Concepts & creative
Why marketing innovation is important right now.
8 April 2020 4 minutes
Why marketing innovation is important right now. Innovation is inherent to being human. A lofty statement to start with I know, but sometimes a little perspective is handy! Since humanity first developed brains over brawn and we out-thought our Neanderthal neighbours, we’ve been on an irrevocable path of species-enhancing innovation. Many of mankind’s greatest inventions were born from the fire of adversity, a will to survive and thrive driving progress that separates us from t...
It’s time to strengthen your focus on digital marketing.
Concepts & creative
It’s time to strengthen your focus on digital marketing.
18 March 2020 1 minutes
It’s time to strengthen your focus on digital marketing. With the widespread travel restrictions, schools closed and people working from home, consumer buying patterns are changing rapidly and B2B buying will be totally different. Your marketing machine needs to adopt to this new reality. Because of reduced face to face meetings, B2B and service industries will focus more on digital marketing to meet their revenue targets. The major advantage of digital marketing, b...
How to convince management to invest in buyer personas.
Concepts & creative
How to convince management to invest in buyer personas.
12 May 2017 2 minutes
How to convince management to invest in buyer personas. With 49% of B2B buyers stating they now rely more on content to research and make purchase decisions compared to 2017. Creating relevant, high quality content and delivering it to the right person, at the right time and in the correct way, is more important than ever before. To create powerful content that will perform, knowing exactly who your audience is and how they behave in their buyer journey is essential. While...

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