
Engagement Factory celebrates their 1-year milestone with Blend360!
Engagement Factory celebrates their 1-year milestone with Blend360!
4 July 2022 1 minutes
Engagement Factory is celebrating the anniversary of its incorporation into global data science and talent solutions company, Blend360. As a customer-centric engagement agency, Engagement Factory has enabled organizations of all sizes to boost their revenue through digital marketing. The merger with Blend360 has served to empower their initiatives further with greater access to data-science and analytical resources....
How can we see it coming?
Consumer Sentiment
How can we see it coming?
19 May 2022 3 minutes
3 lessons learned to improve your forecast accuracy on disrupting events Recently a lot of disruptive events, like the pandemic, have occurred which many of us, myself included, didn’t see coming. The cost of doing business shows a strong increase driven by the higher energy - and raw material -prices. Despite their advanced business intelligence, many businesses weren’t prepared, and are now facing unexpected challenges to overcome. Instead of asking ourselves “Why didn’t we see it coming?”, I would like us to challenge ourselves with the question of “How can we see it coming?”....
The New Measurement.
Digital Marketing
The New Measurement.
9 May 2022 2 minutes
In my 20+ years of experience in the market measurement industry, most of the developments that I’ve seen have gone towards improving coverage and developing powerful analysis and visualization tools. Methodology has seldom changed and, today, similar algorithms are being used as they were two decades ago. Suppliers have often gone into an aggressive/defensive mode putting great strain on prices. At the same time, retailers have kept on seeking ways to increase the income from their data. This situation has consistently narrowed the margins and has damaged the level of service that clients receive. Regardless, the one element that hasn’t changed throughout the years is the need for businesses to translate the data into insights, decisions and actions....

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